To achieve our goal of sustained well-being of children, especially the most vulnerable, within families and communities, we consistently integrate multi-sectoral cross-cutting themes across our three core ministries of child protection, nutrition & health, and livelihoods.



Our expected outcomes for advocacy in the next five years include changes in mindset of parents, community people, and the public in general to become an advocate contributing to end violence against children. 
We proactively provide technical support to targeted government partners in developing specific action plan with budget allocation for children in compliance with child-related policies. 
Other advocacy priorities on child protection issues include child injury prevention, strengthening community-based child protection systems, and Child Law reinforcement at all levels. Nutrition priorities include replication of good nutrition practices, models and provincial action plan to implement National Plan of Action 2017-2020 and Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) initiative in Vietnam. Empowering community members, children and youth to do local level advocacy on child well-being issues is promoted in all our Area Programs.



Traditional gender roles, norms, and cultural values continue to cause women and girls in rural areas of Vietnam to encounter injustice, poverty, and violence. We strongly promote gender equity in all our programs. Women and men, girls and boys, are being facilitated to raise their voices and to contribute to the processes of planning, implementing and evaluating development projects and programs in their communities. We also mainstream gender into all of our intervention to help increase gender equality and reduce gender-based violence in target communities.



Việt Nam has more than six million people aged 5 and up that have disabilities (2009 Census). People with disabilities still face with limited access to basic health care, education and other public services. We prioritize people and children with disabilities in our program design and implementation and promote their participation into the development processes in their localities.


Child participation

We regard children not as just beneficiaries, but as empowered partners in designing, implementing and monitoring community development programs towards child well-being (grouped as per their maturity level). To ensure increased child participation in all our Area Programs, we embark on changing the mindset of every community member so that they accept and respect the participation of children and listen to their opinions about issues facing themselves. Local governments are supported in creating an enabling environment for meaningful child participation through children/youth clubs, children forums, and child-led initiatives. 
Children are always respected as vital partners in the implementation of World Vision-supported community development action plans. In particular, children are among the target groups whose skills and capacities are enhanced in order to be meaningfully engaged in analyzing issues, recommending solutions, and also acting on these solutions within their own abilities and resources and with support from other stakeholders. 


Living values

The integration of living values is an intentional and on-going process to bring about positive relationships among children, families and communities. This approach further enhances the living values of the children with whom we work and is integrated into all community-based groups to enable parents and community people to create a safe and protective environment in the community for children.



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