To sustain our impact on child well-being, World Vision Việt Nam seeks to strengthen the community and household livelihoods so that they are better equipped to improve household income and assets, have food security, and provide for their children’s uncompromisable needs. This will eventually contribute to the reduction of malnourished children. Our Livelihoods Program contributes to the achievement of three Sustainable Development Goals: 1 (No Poverty), 2 (Zero Hunger), and 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). 




Our key approach is to build up community resilience upon the foundation of each household’s economic strength. We set up interest groups where households members are introduced to our evidence-based package of livelihood intervention at both production level and market development level. Some key models in this package include System of Rice Intensification, Livestock Initiative For Transformation, Local Value Chain Development, and Savings Groups. We also extend micro-finance to producer households and small-scaled entrepreneurs that have limited or no access to financial services but need additional funds to buy production input or increase their capital. 

In urban and peri-urban areas, we have programs to provide disadvantaged youth with opportunities for meaningful participation, vocational training, and job placement, which can lead them to a successful and resilient adult life.    



USD 3,266,896 (17% of annual budget)


All 37 Area Programs

Direct beneficiaries

34,264 children and 67,561 adults

Highlight achievements

farmers’ groups had increased business development skills and knowledge of market linkages.
farmers learnt techniques in livestock raising and crop planting, 66% of them have applied and thus improved their production.
members of saving groups improved their saving capacity and had access to micro loans in times of needs.
adolescent received job orientation, life skill education, vocational training (hairdressing, motorbike repair), and support for business startup.
households participated in 159 Building Secure Livelihood groups and were supported to promote their products (organic rice, pork, chicken, coffee, honey, etc.) to a larger market at much better prices than before.
people (85% were female) had access to an average loan size of USD 719 to invest in agricultural production or small business operation, improving the well-being of 21,165 children. 
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; and Provincial and District Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development in 14 cities and provinces
  • Extension Service Centers, VET station, Plant Protection Station
  • Department of Labors, Invalids and Social Affairs
  • Mass Organizations at district, commune, and village levels (Youth Union, Women’s Union, Farmer’s Associations)
  • District and Commune People’s Committees
  • Vocational Training Center
  • Local businesses and business associations
  • Academic and Research Institutions


(All Figures Based On 2019 Data)

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