Digitalization for Resilience

Empowering the community to enhance resilience to adverse weather conditions for the most vulnerable people in Như Xuân District, Thanh Hoá Province.


An urgent need for strengthened resilience to climate change

Despite being adversely impacted by severe weather conditions and natural disaster risks, Như Xuân District does not have automatic rain measuring stations or early warning systems. On the other hand, the vulnerable groups in the target locations have insufficient knowledge to adapt their production to the weather conditions. Furthermore, the lack of digitalization adoption in production, low product quality, and lack of access to microfinance services has led to low productivity and competitiveness and limited market access. As a result, households do not generate sufficient income to address their households' needs and ensure child well-being.

A Solution to Mobilisze Community Efforts

The “Digitalisation for Resilience” Project is a joint initiative by World Vision Việt Nam and the Austrian Development Corporation to enhance the community’s resilience to adverse weather conditions through capacity building, sustainable food and non-food production, and market linkage.


The project contributes to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals: 1 (No Poverty), 2 (Zero Hunger), 5 (Gender Equality), and 13 (Climate Action); and EU GAP III objectives: Promoting economic and social rights and empowering girls and women, promoting equal participation and leadership, climate change and environment, and digitalization.




To support target households and producer groups in increasing disaster risk reduction capacity, sustainable production of food and non-food items, and successfully selling their produce on the local market or through e-commerce.

Specifically, the Project aims to achieve the following results:

  • Community-based Disaster Risk Management is strengthened through access to digital services for monitoring, early warning, and response management.
  • Target households and producer groups have increased skills in relevant techniques for sustainable food and non-food production, inputs, and access to information through the technical information hub.
  • Target households and producer groups make informed decisions on business planning and improve their management through digital solutions.
  • Target households and producer groups have increased access to local and digital markets and know how to improve their products based on market needs.


Project Activities

The project will work with hydromet services and local partners to facilitate the digitalization of Community Based Disaster Risk Management practices in the three target communes. As a result, it will:

1) improve relevant stakeholders' capacity to apply digital technology in disaster risk reduction and management

2) enhance target groups' skills and productivity by establishing producer groups, conducting training on applicable techniques to sustainably produce food and non-food items, and providing inputs to apply 4.0 business acceleration techniques on climate-smart food and non-food production and marketing.


The Project will create a virtual platform to facilitate producers' access to relevant information. More specifically,

1) training on digital solutions, financial literacy, and digital saving will equip producers with practical tools to make informed business planning and management decisions;

2) training on e-commerce and marketing will help facilitate producers/ access to local and digital markets as well as adjust their products to the market needs. For this to be successful, the Project will provide producers with a management software application, production database, traceability stamps, and register for barcodes.




EUR 555,555.00



Austrian Development Cooperation



01.12.2022 – 30.11.25



Bình Lương Commune, Thanh Lâm Commune, Yên Cát Town, Như Xuân District, Thanh Hoá Province, Việt Nam.


Direct beneficiaries

500 individuals/households in Thanh Hoá province, of whom 70% are of ethnic minorities, 284 are ethnic minority women, and 216 ethnic minority men.

Indirect beneficiaries

14,897 people, including 2,700 children, of whom over 50% are women, 66.4% are of ethnic minorities, and 3.4% are people with disability.



  • People's Committee of Như Xuân District
  • Local department of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Local department of Information and Communications
  • Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting of Thanh Hoá Province
  • Local department of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Department of Culture and Information of Như Xuân District
  • Local Women's Union
  • Fruit and Vegetable Research Institute


Project Overview

For more information, please visit the Project's Fact Sheet

Project News in the Media:


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