WVV Health and Nutrition Technical Program Officer

Job code
TermFull time
Deadline: April 22, 2023

Please send your CV and Cover Letter to wvv_recruitment@wvi.org Email subject: [WVV Health & Nutrition TPO] - Your Name 


World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization working to improve the quality of life of people, especially children who are marginalized and living in poverty. World Vision helps all who are in need, regardless of their religion, race, ethnicity or gender. As a child-focused organization, WV’s work focuses on children, ensuring they are protected and their basic needs are met. World Vision Vietnam (WVV) has been funded from 13 support countries in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Funding of WVV consists of sponsorship program funding (70%) and Private Non-Sponsorship (PNS)/grants (30%). WVV employs about 430 staff, of which 93% are Vietnamese nationals. 

WVV is operating in 4 zones: North 1 (Hoa Binh, Dien Bien), North 2 (Yen Bai, Tuyen Quang, Hai Phong), Central (Thanh Hoa, Quang Tri and Da Nang) and South (Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Thuan, Ho Chi Minh, DakNong). WVV’s Area Program (AP) usually focuses within one administrative district of a province which populated by ethnic minority people with high rates of poverty. A uniqueness of WVV’s Development Program Approach (DPA) is that AP team members are based at district level where the AP is located, which enables them to work closely with government partners and communities on a daily basis. Beside the APs, WVV is also implementing different Special and Grant Projects to meet the specific needs of vulnerable children in both AP and non-AP areas.

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Purpose of Position

-    Provide technical support for the adaptation, implementation, monitoring and reporting of the TP in the assigned zone and be accountable for the technical quality and cross-cutting themes mainstreamed in the TP for all APs in the assigned zone. 
-    Provide technical expertise and support to improve the capacity of the AP staff and partners in the assigned zone in order to effectively deliver the TP.
-    Advocate for the scaling-up of evidence-based project models and multiply impact across different APs at the provincial level.
-    The Health & Nutrition (H&N) TPO will report to the Zonal Programs Manager who manages programme operations of all TPs, including H&N, with a dotted-line to the H&N Manager to ensure technical and quality management, as per the current structure. The TPO will work with the PE Officer at the zonal level for collaboration in M&E.

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Key Responsibilities

1. Strategic Direction (10%)
-    Provide inputs from the field for development/ review, revision of respective Technical Approach, Technical Program, Area Program (AP) Plans, Safeguarding Policy and Project Models
-    Provide input to TP Manager and Specialists on developing and standardizing Technical Guidelines/Training Materials for the implementation of Project models.
-    Consolidate and analyze the monitoring data to come up with appropriate findings and recommendations to improve the technical quality
-    Participate in the impact assessment/ operation research of Project Models
-    Provide inputs to TP – level reports
-    Explore needs for further funding to address the burning problems faced by the children relating to Health & Nutrition and to share with Technical Program Manager in order to propose these issues through Concept paper, proposals…

2. Technical Support and Quality Assurance (40%)
-    Develop and implement technical working plan for designed zone
-    Assist the AP (Including AP manager and DFs) to develop annual POA which relevant to AP plan and in alignment with NO technical approach
-    Review AP Plans, annual POAs and project models of the designated APs to ensure its alignment with National Strategy and Health & Nutrition TP
-    Provide technical support for AP staff in the implementation of TP, addressing and finding solutions to TP issues
-    Facilitate periodic monitoring, supportive supervision and reflection at the APs in the zone to ensure the quality of the TP’s implementation
-    Provide technical support for design, implementation and evaluation of grant/ PNS projects in designated zone
-    Consolidate, review and validate and analyze data from AP before sending to PE Officer for compiling zone Indicators 
-    Support the AP team to ensure that assessment, monitoring and planning processes have active participation of the parents, community people, children and key project partners. This might include reviewing the process, documents of assessment & planning of the APs in the zone
-    Review all the annual reports of the APs in the zone and provide feedback for improvement
-    Support Technical Specialist and Technical Program Manager to standard DME tools for baseline, monitoring and evaluation of the TP
-    Support zonal PEU Officer to introduce standard indicators and tools for baseline, monitoring and evaluation of the TP to the AP staff, so that these tools are disseminated to the local network for their use
-    Participate in the following key M&E activities scheduled by PEU in the designated zone which should include AP assessment, AP Design and AP Evaluation
-    Ensure that national KPIs related to Health & Nutrition are reviewed, updated with accuracy periodically
-    Provide technical support for procurement and strategic sourcing (materials, consultants)
-    Manage project activities and budget for provincial level
-    Provide support to APs in implementation of Health & Nutrition management in emergency

3. Capacity Building (25%)
-    Introduce the technical models to AP staff 
-    Provide technical guidance to district/commune partners on project models
-    In consultation with Technical Program Manager and Technical Specialist, AP Manager to facilitate capacity building activities including TOT training for AP technical resource persons for contextualization and follow-up
-    In consultation with Technical Program Manager and Technical Specialist, AP Manager, Communication and Advocacy staff to document and share the best practices on Health & Nutrition for the purpose of staff learning and development.
-    Build and enhance capacity for local Rapid Response Teams (RRTs); 
-    Participate in building capacity with/for the NRRT
-    Be ready for deployment to lead/join emergency responses (when requested

4. Advocacy and Networking (20%)
-    Build and nurture effective working relationship with technical departments at provincial level
-    Document and disseminate evidences on the impact/ effectiveness of the relevant project models with the provincial level decision/policy makers for advocacy activities
-    Work with APs and Zonal Manager to plan and allocate budget for advocacy activities at provincial level
-    Implement and monitoring the outcomes of advocacy activities at provincial level while ensure the linkage between different levels
-    Identify and raise emerging issues for advocacy
-    Identify and share learnings, good practices, model from implementation for Technical Program Manager and Technical Specialist for purpose of advocacy and replication. 
-    Represent WVV at relevant forums, meetings, working groups and workshops relating to Health & Nutrition in designated zone.

5. Others (5%)
-    Take responsibility for personal security, accurately identify and assess the dangers and respond in the most appropriate way; take all good faith efforts to keep other WVV staff and property secure with guidance and instruction as being trained by WVV
-    Perform other duties as assigned by the manager to contribute to the team performance

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Knowledge & Skill

-    At least 3 – 5 years’ experience in health, nutrition project 
-    Experience in working with non-governmental organization.  
-    Experience of and demonstrated ability to effectively network with a diverse range of multi-lateral, and government bodies; 
-    Experience in monitoring and evaluating projects and ensuring that recommendations are implemented.….
-    Bachelor’s Degree in Health/ Nutrition or related fields.

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-    Excellent interpersonal, organizational, time management, demonstrated leadership and good management ability.
-    Proven ability to provide coaching and deliver other capacity building activities.
-    Ability to provide supportive supervision to assure the interventions’ quality.
-    Ability to document and share best practice for replication.
-    Ability to communicate and relate effectively with a diverse range of people (i.e. project beneficiaries, Government officials, project partners, WVV staff). 
-    Conceptual understanding of and commitment to development work, especially Christian, child-focused, community-based development concepts, approaches and processes. 
-    Ability to work with a minimum of supervision, exercise judgment, meet deadlines and work under pressure. 
-    Good data analysis and reporting skills. 
-    Good computer skills (word processing, excel, power point & email).
-    Strong ability to speak, write and read in both English 
-    Be willing to travel to the APs in designated zone.
-    Willingness to support articulate and demonstrate World Vision’s core in meaningful ways to colleagues, partners, children and communities.

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